415-895-6069 VM Lorien@MUFONMarinSonoma.com
Lorien Fenton

Lorien Fenton


LORIEN FENTON became actively involved in the San Francisco Bay Area UFO Community after almost dying from a mysterious form of Pneumonia during the H1N1 scare of summer 2009. It was that near death experience which propelled her into doing the work she loves in a community that she has been passionate about her entire life.

Lorien is the MUFON Marin and Sonoma counties Meeting Director, holding meetings in Petaluma, CA on the first Saturday of the month. Visit www.MUFONMarinSonoma.com. Her current “occupations” include web designer, bookkeeper, Marketing and PR Person and conference producer. Lorien’s nonprofit, Dance Outre, is the umbrella organization behind Conscious Community Events which produces UFO CON held annually in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit the last UFO CON website: UFO CON 2023.

She has produced and co-produced many conferences, including:  12 – UFO CON's; 3 – Super Soldier, Targetted Individuals and Mind Control Summits; 3 – Time Travel CON; 4 – JFK Birthday CON; 3- JFK Assassination Cons in Dallas; 2 – Lee Harvey Oswald Birthday in New Orleans; JFK Historical Society’s “The Big Event”, Washington DC; and more. If that wasn’t enough, she has a weekly internet radio talk show: The Fenton Perspective, Mondays at 5pm PT/8pm ET on Revolution Radio at Revolution.Radio

If you haven’t guessed by now, she lives in front of a computer, has her ear glued to a phone, has no “children”, sings “Moon Dance” by Van Morrison to herself, is slowly becoming a Crazy Old UFO Lady, and saw her first Black Triangle UFO on 11/1/2014 - though she has seen at leasrt 6 other types of craft fairly close. She has seen "Angel Aliens" though has never been abducted by or seen a Reptilian or Gray Alien — that she can remember, nor does she want to.


Lorien will take you from the first video mentioning DISCLOSURE released by Tom Delong in 2015 until recent events in 2024. Back when this version of Disclosure began, Lorien told anyone who would listen, "this will be a slow burn, probably 15-20 years and we'll be very lucky if TRUE Disclosure ever really happens in my lifetime". Having said that, she'll take you on a journey of developments over the years - from TTSA to Senate hearings - and prove to you that little "D" disclosue has happened several times in the media already!